Welcome to Miami…


Matt & AtticusWe woke up at an early 9am and dinghied in to pick up Matt and Atticus for a morning sail. The sail was nice and although Atticus didn’t enjoy the dinghy ride in and out, really liked the sail. The wind was a breezy 2 knots so we were merely drifting around. After our sail we said our goodbyes and continued our voyage. Laurel and I back tracked a little and headed to West Palm’s inlet to anchor up and get fuel. Our plan was to leave the inlet at midnight so we could arrive into Port Everglade the following morning. We could only get 20 gallons of fuel because of some fuel nozzle problem they were having.

Hollywood anchorageAt midnight we left the inlet and into the open ocean. Our prep for this was lashing everything down, getting our jacklines and safety harnesses ready, pulling the dinghy up on deck and readying the ditch bag (just in case). The plan was to take 2 hour shifts so each of us could get some sleep. The trip down was pretty uneventful other than a few megayachts not having their running lights on, super scary. Although they probably have ultra fancy radar and saw us 15 miles away. Entering the port was pretty over whelming with all the HUGE cargo ships and cruise ships around you. Your seemingly large 33 foot sailboat is dwarfed by these trabillion ton ships that unbelievably float. Meandering our way through we ended up finding an amazing little honey hole of an anchorage in Hollywood. The hole was only big enough for one boat, was 9 feet deep and was protected from the NW wind we were about to get.

Big betters!We stayed in Hollywood for two days and ran some errands. Laurel and I basically are bus transportation experts now. We went to Publix, Sailorman, a Yanmar dealer and multiple other places. To say the least, Sailorman wasn’t all that great of a trip. I kind of considered it some what of a pilgrimage. Both of us spent countless hours talking and dreaming about this land of cheap parts and it was basically just as expensive as West Marine and they didn’t even buy all our junk we tried to sell. Oh well. The last night in Hollywood we went to Jai Alai. Laurel has never been so I thought it would be fun. It was alot of fun and we even tried our hand at betting. We lost. Now that we are $1.50 shorter we will have to cut something out of our budget.

DSCN1763Currently, we are on the boat after a long day of biking around Hollywood and eating a double scoop-chocolate dipped-waffle cone, scraping my ankle on my bike, motoring down the ICW to Biscayne Bay, testing out our rain gear, finding out my sprouts have sprouted, anchoring outside the Mount Sinai Hospital, finding out there is a rave festival going on, meeting up with Keith for a South Beach tour, doing some serious people watching, eating all you can eat sushi and getting on the wrong return bus to the hospital. What a perfect day. I am ready for bed…

Hard boiled egg snacks
Farm fresh hard boiled eggs. If you buy non refrigerated eggs they will stay good for more than a month. You just have to flip the cartons over every few days.
Just taking a little siesta before we head up to West Palm to refuel and go out the inlet. I was just about to fall asleep when a huge yacht went by and its wake shook our boat.
Starting some sprouts
Our sprout kit we got for Christmas from my brother, Adam. I already have some sprouting.
Sprout jar
It’s only been a few days and we have some sprouts sprouting. No scurvy for us!

